4th Annual Sultan 50k33 Miles - 7:34
South Mountains State Park
Top 5 Official Finish times:
1. Adam Hill - 4:14
2. Jeremy Hargroves - 4:47
3. Tim Weed - 5:02
4. Dennis Norris - 5:17
5. Matt Kirk - 5:45
Top 5 Actual Finish Times:
1. Tim Weed - 5:12
2. Adam Hill - 5:14
3. Jeremy Hargroves - 5:22
4. Matt Kirk - 5:55:555
5. Dennis Norris - 6:17
The fourth year we run the Sultan 50k the rains would have their way. The day prior to the run weather reports came back with 70% chance of rain and thunderstorms. The cake (Thanks Melissa!) was in the fridge, and we were all set to go. I shuteye well past midnight and made sure I had everything ready for the early morning departure.
We rendezvoused at the Cracker Barrell early, and made the drive up to the Jacob Fork Parking area. The gate was closed when we arrived, and we waited for a few moments before the ranger drove up and unlocked the gate at 7:50am. We met up with the rest of the crew at the Subway off of 64 just past 8am, and caravanned over to Roper Hollow Rd. at 9:40am. Greg, Paul, and I rode up together.
Greg helped me pass out the crowns and check runners in, and Adam volunteered to take off a few minutes early to ribbon up the trail so that the rest of us dont get lost. Lily offered to shuttle aid from the Start/Finish to the midway aid station once again this year. Erik, Julie, Bouchra, and Omar made it out to the aid station to help out this year, what a stellar crew! Charles and Psyche helped out again this year to sweep the coarse. Thank you all for the help, and braving the rain!
We had over 40 runners sign up, and 28 show up to the start. I myself had a nasty flu a week and half before the run, and was unsure if I could make my own party on the trail. We took off just after 10am, and began running up Roper hill. I hung out with Greg for the first part of the run, and then caught up with Paul, Kathleen, and Beth. It rained most of the way up, and the cloud formations are the same you would see in the Smokey Mountains. Me and Carl came into the aid station together in 3:03.
The entire crew was out there braving the weather. Erik and Julie got a small fire started, and by the time I arrived I saw some runners hovering around the fire and were planning to bail on the run. I myself immediately got cold as I was drenched fully. I quickly offered up a handstand for some bonus points, and downed some red velvet cake along with some coke to try and replenish my body. I felt a little dehydrated despite all the rain. 2 bottles never seems to be enough for me.
I hugged loved ones and went on my way. I was freezing, but I knew the steps up to the waterfall would warm me up quickly. Beth and Kathleen rolled out with me to the waterfall, and then I let them go. My return trip was just as challenging as it was last year, slow and steady. The sun broke out the last half hour, and the view of the Black Mountain Range was in full view. When I thought I was running the last bend of Ropper Hollow and surely I was done, another 14 bends poped up. I finished a little faster than last year, but still felt like I could improve tremendously. Finish time was 7:34.
Later we all hit up Jalapeños for dinner for some bonus points! Thank you to all who made it out for another great year.
South Mountains State Park
Top 5 Official Finish times:
1. Adam Hill - 4:14
2. Jeremy Hargroves - 4:47
3. Tim Weed - 5:02
4. Dennis Norris - 5:17
5. Matt Kirk - 5:45
Top 5 Actual Finish Times:
1. Tim Weed - 5:12
2. Adam Hill - 5:14
3. Jeremy Hargroves - 5:22
4. Matt Kirk - 5:55:555
5. Dennis Norris - 6:17
The fourth year we run the Sultan 50k the rains would have their way. The day prior to the run weather reports came back with 70% chance of rain and thunderstorms. The cake (Thanks Melissa!) was in the fridge, and we were all set to go. I shuteye well past midnight and made sure I had everything ready for the early morning departure.
We rendezvoused at the Cracker Barrell early, and made the drive up to the Jacob Fork Parking area. The gate was closed when we arrived, and we waited for a few moments before the ranger drove up and unlocked the gate at 7:50am. We met up with the rest of the crew at the Subway off of 64 just past 8am, and caravanned over to Roper Hollow Rd. at 9:40am. Greg, Paul, and I rode up together.
Greg helped me pass out the crowns and check runners in, and Adam volunteered to take off a few minutes early to ribbon up the trail so that the rest of us dont get lost. Lily offered to shuttle aid from the Start/Finish to the midway aid station once again this year. Erik, Julie, Bouchra, and Omar made it out to the aid station to help out this year, what a stellar crew! Charles and Psyche helped out again this year to sweep the coarse. Thank you all for the help, and braving the rain!
We had over 40 runners sign up, and 28 show up to the start. I myself had a nasty flu a week and half before the run, and was unsure if I could make my own party on the trail. We took off just after 10am, and began running up Roper hill. I hung out with Greg for the first part of the run, and then caught up with Paul, Kathleen, and Beth. It rained most of the way up, and the cloud formations are the same you would see in the Smokey Mountains. Me and Carl came into the aid station together in 3:03.
The entire crew was out there braving the weather. Erik and Julie got a small fire started, and by the time I arrived I saw some runners hovering around the fire and were planning to bail on the run. I myself immediately got cold as I was drenched fully. I quickly offered up a handstand for some bonus points, and downed some red velvet cake along with some coke to try and replenish my body. I felt a little dehydrated despite all the rain. 2 bottles never seems to be enough for me.
I hugged loved ones and went on my way. I was freezing, but I knew the steps up to the waterfall would warm me up quickly. Beth and Kathleen rolled out with me to the waterfall, and then I let them go. My return trip was just as challenging as it was last year, slow and steady. The sun broke out the last half hour, and the view of the Black Mountain Range was in full view. When I thought I was running the last bend of Ropper Hollow and surely I was done, another 14 bends poped up. I finished a little faster than last year, but still felt like I could improve tremendously. Finish time was 7:34.
Later we all hit up Jalapeños for dinner for some bonus points! Thank you to all who made it out for another great year.